The REGENERA LUXURY is a global non-profit organization committed to advancing regenerative practices in the luxury hospitality industry, with a focus on wellness, community impact, and environmental stewardship.

REGENERA LUXURY is recognized by leading tourism and sustainability bodies and its partners enjoy numerous benefits from its community.  New partners join as Associates, gaining authorization to implement RL certification programs at national and/or regional levels. Associates are encouraged to start by introducing at least one core REGENERA LUXURY program and, within five years, achieve full implementation of five programs to become Full Partners. To support new partners on this transformative journey, each organization is paired with a mentor from our board of industry experts. 

To be eligible, in most cases organizations that wish to become partners of REGENERA LUXURY should meet the following criteria

- Must be the only REGENERA LUXURY member within their country or region. 
- Must have experience in hotel industry with a commitment to advancing regenerative luxury practices. 
- Must have the capacity to implement REGENERA LUXURY programs at a national or regional level, covering all key areas. 
- Must be an organization that ensures no discrimination on the basis of gender, sexual orientation, race, or religion. 
- Must possess the financial capability to support the implementation of REGENERA LUXURY programs. 
- Must have the technical expertise to execute REGENERA LUXURY initiatives, ensuring alignment with regenerative principles. 
- Must have official agreements with relevant local and national authorities to facilitate a successful deployment of the programs. 
Organizations wishing to apply for membership in the REGENERA LUXURY Association must submit an application form along with the following required documents: 

Statutes of the organization 
– Official documents outlining the organization's governance structure and purpose. Description and a list of members 
– A comprehensive list detailing the organization's current members. 

Organizational structure chart 
– A chart illustrating job titles, reporting lines, and management structures within the organization. 

Details of the organization’s staff 
– A list of staff members, including names and qualifications of those responsible for running REGENERA LUXURY programs. 

Activity reports and plans 
– Documentation showcasing the type of work the organization is currently undertaking and its future plans aligned with REGENERA LUXURY’s regenerative principles. 

Income and expenditure financial reports 
– Financial statements covering the past three years. 

Provisional budget for the first year 
– A budget forecast for the implementation of REGENERA LUXURY programs in the first year of membership. Three-year time plan with budget (Associates only) 
If your organization meets the above criteria, we encourage you to apply for membership in REGENERA LUXURY (RL). Before proceeding with your application, we recommend familiarizing yourself with the following key documents:

REGENERA LUXURY Articles of Association: They outline the core values and objectives of REGENERA LUXURY, guiding you toward becoming a fully engaged and motivated member. 

REGENERA LUXURY Rules of Procedure:  Offering clarity on the interpretation and application of the association’s principles. 

REGENERA LUXURY Branding Guidelines:  Guidelines to maintain brand integrity in alignment with regenerative values.

REGENERA LUXURY Regeneration Policy:  Detailed policy outlining the regenerative goals and practices expected. 

By adhering to these criteria and guidelines, your organization can become an integral part of the global movement shaping the future of regenerative luxury in hospitality.
Welcome to REGENERA LUXURY, the Regenerative Luxury Hotels & Retreats Global Association.